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this is the first day, of my last days.
2002-04-18-9:20 p.m.

Who are these freaks who like the Hershey's "Special Dark" chocolates, and how can we get rid of them?

I actually don't think anyone likes them, they just say they do to be "cool" or "different."

I don't know why my mom can't just buy the bag of all Krackels anyway. You can virtually predict the order in which any sane person will eat a bag of Hershey's Miniatures: Krackel, Plain, Mr. Goodbar, and finally the Special Dark, which around here are consumed only by the sands of time as they are thrown out to accomadate a new bag of candy a few weeks down the road.

I heard once that this guy Adam who I used to be friends with's mom actually preferred the Special Dark over everything else. This was only hearsay, and was never proven.

And nobody sign my guestbook saying "OOOH, but I DO like the Special Dark ones the best."

We will all know you are lying to seem cool, and probably crazy to boot.



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