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I never like the rumor that he was gay, because that's like an insult to fags everwhere.
2002-06-12-10:59 a.m.

No I don't have anything much to say. But I'm going to be busy the rest of the day so I figured I'd take this 5 minutes I have now and update.

I finally watched "The Shawshank Redemption" in it's entirety last night. It's one of those movies like "Forrest Gump" or "Jerry Maguire" that everyone just assumes you've seen, so I figured I'd rectify that situation finally.

Of course, there are lots of movies I haven't seen and have no desire to see: Any cheesy movie with Tom Cruise other than "Jerry Maguire" or "Legend". Other than those, I'll never watch all of "Top Gun" (how awful is that movie?) "Cocktail", "Days of Thunder", that one where hes sings that STUPID FUCKING "Old Time Rock and Roll" song in a shirt with no pants.

And as a little sidenote, NO guy, even a self-professed drag queen, has ANY business ever walking around with a shirt on, but with no pants. Girls can walk around in underwear and a long shirt around the house, that's cute. But guys? No no no. Guys walk around in pants or shorts with no shirt when relaxing. Even if no one else is in the house. I'd rather know that a guy was walking around his house just in boxers or even naked than know that he had on a t-shirt but no shorts or pants. Even when undressing in a locker room, you're supposed to take off your shirt first, THEN the pants. Don't ask me why this is true, it just IS.

I wouldn't mind going over to see some girl I know and her answering the door in pants but with no shirt, mind you. Or even with nothing. Lets just say, with the girls, I'll go for any mixture of nakedness, even just without socks on is fine.

Phew. Glad I got that all cleared up. It's just one more illustration of the fact that Tom Cruise is an idiot. He's basically the same, smarmy guy in all of his pictures. He has to be "Mr. Hotshot" guy in EVERY FILM. Top Gun, Jerry Maguire, Cocktail, Color of Money, both the Mission Impossible movies, and probably all his other movies too. He has no acting ability, he's just playing the same 2 dimensional character every time.

And who the hell is going to go see "Minority Report" anyway?

Brad Pitt would kick Tom Cruise's short little ass any day of the week!

Now I'm going to lunch!

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