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It ain't Ozzie and Harriet, but that's not a bad thing. Maybe Ozzy and Sharon...
2002-04-16-3:13 p.m.

Yeah, so new layout as you may notice. Still needs work.

Today has been kicking my ass. It's just been a really intense day as far as people go. Sometimes all these girls get tiring, for real. I'm not trying to brag I'm just saying that it's a lot of work. And it's not just girls either, it's everybody. And I can't say anything specific because so many people I know read this diary, and what some people confide in me isn't for others to know, but trust me, major shit.

Remember my big spiel about marriage the other day? Well today some friends of mine announced that they're getting married on Saturday. (4/20, it's intentional if anyone here knows what that means) But for these two, it fits. They're in their late 20's, have a great relationship, and successful careers. But they are by no means boring. They still party, cruise cars (how I met them), take trips, have their own seperate friends, go to concerts etc...but still maintain complete responsibility and maturity. I really admire that.

So it's time to head out into the horizon, (until tomorrow at least.) Maybe tomorrow I'll work more on writing something funny or clever. Today I'm enjoying just being alive.

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