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Damn you Jimmy Buffett.
2002-07-02-1:55 p.m.

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I get a wild hair up my ass to actually finish some of the tasks I've started.

Today I made it a point to finally finish Jimmy Buffett's book, A Pirate Looks at Fifty. I read almost the entire first 400 pages in two days, then didn't read the last 50 until today, damn near 2 months later. It only took so long because I got sidetracked, the book itself was great. How can you not like a book about a 3 week trip around the Carribean, down to South America, and back home to Florida in a classic Albatross seaplane?

At the end of the book, Jimmy quotes an author by the name of John Blanding, to sum up his love of travel and his unshakeable restlessness. It really stuck a chord for me too:

How very simple life would be
If only there were two of me
A Restless Me to drift and roam
A Quiet Me to stay at home.
A Searching One to find his fill
Of varied skies, and newfound thrill
While sane and homely thigns are done
By the domestic Other One.
And that's just where the trouble lies;
There is a Restless Me that cries
For chancy risks and changing scene,
For artic blue and tropic green
For deserts with their mystic spell,
For lusty fun and raising Hell

(I put that last part in bold myself, I really like the idea of raising hell.)

It's a basic human need to stay home, to be safe, to enjoy the fruits of our labors. It's also a primal instinct to go out and seek fortune and gain, to learn and to experience, to take risks and even cheat death. Maybe not so much for women, but then again, they're always so damn pragmatic. Women would have never invented drag-racing or airplanes, although they are invaluable in keeping men from getting too excited about either and accidentally killing themselves.

Still, I'm left with a thousand ideas, and a thousand obstacles. None of which are good enough to make the ideas altogher bad either.

First things first, I need to get a few little things done. After that though, I think it's high time for an adventure this weekend. I think a 3 day weekend is in order too. On Thursday I'll celebrate America's independence, and the rest of the weekend, I'll celebrate mine.

You guys should vote in my guestbook: 1) Go to New Orleans (and visit Tea and Amber on the way).

2) Go to San Marcos and tube the river (if it's not too low, but I think there's been plenty of rain)

3) Go to Padre Island and have a beer at Kelly's and another one at Parrot Eyes and visit with Vicki maybe, maybe jaunt into mexico to make a quick buck again.

4)Stay around here and maybe rent some jet ski's, try to find a way to go saling, go surfing, go hiking, play some frisbee golf, go to houston and hit some bars/clubs, and generally raise hell wherever we go.

5)Something else new and entirely different that someone suggests that I can't think of.

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