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well top 'o the mornin' to ya too.
2002-05-21-7:42 a.m.

So I'm all moved into the new place. It's been a few days of work, I even called in to work yesterday. (It was more complicated than that though.) I have the room all repainted, but the hardwood flooring in the closet isn't done because there isn't enough left, but a trip to Ikea will finish that. I also built my cool new entertainment center, hung up the curtains, bought a new bedset, made some shelves, and mostly unpacked too.

I'd post a better/longer entry, but I just got into work and one of the contractors here cut a 100 pair telecom cable out of the ground with a backhoe, and guess who has to go figure out how to splice that all back together?

It's not even 8 a.m. yet!!!

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