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...just pretend this is a smart and funny entry.
2002-05-22-4:05 p.m.

Hey! Guess what?

I'm still really busy. Wake up, go to work, work 10 hours straight around the construction site. Go home, change, put up shelves/build desk/unpack/etc, workout, shower, cook dinner and eat, try to watch Letterman but fall asleep, repeat..

It's all very temporary though, by next week I'll have all kinds of shit done and I can relax and enjoy the fruits of my labors. Or some actual fruit. You know, whatever. I still haven't even seen Star Wars. I haven't hung out with Jerry in a while, or Rocky, or Deck, or Chuck. But when I finally do get to relax and chill with my friends, it will be that much better.

Not only that, but the readers probably think it's been too long since my storyline has had a romantic interest in it.

Ok maybe not. But I do.

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