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I hate milk and kitties and mondays and mean people
2001-12-10-2:07 p.m.

boredboredbored at work today. I have stuff to do after work and I'm rarin' to go do it.

a suprising amount of people have responded to the dog situation, looking back I didn't mention that they had already set out for someone to take it, and they came to take it yesterday, so it's in a good home and all. I have ZERO soft spots for animals, like I said, but I don't care to do them any unnecessary harm. I personally see a dog the same as a bird, or a deer, or a cow, or a rat, or whatever. Their worth is measured by their value or their annoyance to me. So I hate cats, dogs, rats, mosquitos, and jehovas witnesses, because they all pester me. I do love human children though, and will go out of my way to take care of them. Odd opinion to have though. Odd.

And no one give me that "All Dogs go to Heaven" bullshit either.

Well with that all said and done, I'm sure you all think I'm an asshole, and in some respects, I think it's true. I do appreciate the fact that you wanted to help, but before long I would have taken it somewhere, like I always do, because somehow the animal hater in the family is the only one who gives a damn.

You know what's a cool animal? A wolverine. Tigers. Eagles. Monkeys. Duck billed platypus. Kangaroos too. Come to think of it, I don't know of a marsupial that isn't cool. If I walk in the woods and a fucking bear mauls my ass, so be it, I have it coming, that the natural way of the world. Back to the marsupials, Koalas are cute. Any invertebrate freaks me out and I'll kill them if I have a chance though. (i.e., jellyfish, weird grasshoppers with the giant front legs, lobster etc...)

I know too many dog lovers who would wear a 4000 mink if someone left it to them and it was cold. Leather jackets too.

I dont like to drink milk anymore, because the way that get it is WAAAAY more inhumane than the way they just kill them for meat.

"Hey Ronnie, how about some random thoughts on animals today? Sure why not?"

The 9 year old in me still wishes I could have a wolverine that was nice to me but trained to attack anyone I wanted it to. I'd keep that puppy on a leash and go to the park in Houston, it would snarl and scare the Evian piss out of those damn poodles and cocker-spaniels. I'd call it Fred. Maybe even Fred Sanford. I mean take a look at this bad bitch.

You just don't want to fuck with that. :-)

Yep, de-listed for this one for sure.

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