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the kind of thing that keeps me up at night...
2001-12-28-1:10 p.m.

Watch yourself. Four entries in two days. I am in danger of becoming prolific.

Here are a few musings:

1)R.Kelly is a no-talent ass clown.

Have you heard that new song of his? He's just talking. "I am a tall tree..." And the video is this super glossy, red white and blue slow motion boxing theme, only with no boxing. In the realm of bald black guys who are solo yet don't rap, I have to say I think Seal or Tricky are the only good ones with true talent.

2)Who came up with the idea of frying food? Who said, "Hey, lets take this old fat from this meat we have lying around, heat it up until it melts, then throw our new meat in it?" I just ate some fried fish, and while it's good, I can't help but think that the world would be better if we'd never discovered a way to make things so terribly unhealthy, yet terribly tasty. Yeah.

3)How do women know when you've finally forgotten about them? Whether you want to or you have to, no sooner will I forget about some chick, than she calls me up. Somehow from miles away, with no possible interaction or physical hint, some switch in their brain just throws and says, "Oh, blah blah blah forgot about me, time to make my presence known again." This little tidbit was in the movie "Swingers" and it's so true. If they think they have you wrapped, girls will lose interest, but if they think that you could care less, they call. What the hell kind of crackhead shit is that? Man I wish I was gay. Brad Pitt and I would just live happily ever after with no drama, no one shopping sprees, and if we broke up we'd still be actual friends, not pretend friends. Sadly enough though, I like women instead.

4)How could someone ever purchase a brand new car thats ugly? Example, the Pontiac Aztek. Or a Ford Taurus. That new Buick SUV. Have you no sense of ugly? And why would anyone buy a new car thats brown? Now, this doesn't apply to used cars, because when you shop for a decent car in your price range, you dont typically have the same car in 10 different colors. But some asshole had to go onto a lot and look at all the new trucks and say, "Hmmm. I know I want this truck, but what color? The black one? The red one? The green one? Oh no I want the brown one. The one thats the color of shit, or dirt, or fruit thats too old. Thats the color I want to be seen in."

Do you ever hear anyone say, "Oooh look at that car, it's such a pretty brown color." Yet someone must be buying them, because I still see brown cars every day.

My grandmother just bought a brand new ford taurus. I mean it's clean, and shiny, and I guess its got a reasonalble amount of room. But she doesn't need a 4 door car, when she goes somewhere with the family, she rides. And its not like it was cheap, or it's fast, or it has lots of luxury features, or it looks good, or that its got space. I mean if you're old, buy a huge cadillac and drive at 20 mph in the fast lane and slow down a quarter mile before your turn like everyone else.

Of course it's their money to spend as they wish, but I still don't understand it.

I'm not bitter today, really. I just needed to get a few things off my chest.



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