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decidely UN-snacktacular
2003-01-14-3:04 p.m.

So today while shopping at wal-mart, I picked up a bag of a snack called "Corn-nuts". I'd never tried them before, but I recall seeing people eat them all the time in high school. I remember that it always gave them really bad breath. But for some reason I decided to give them a shot anyway.

They taste like burned something. Nothing like corn. They're hard as a rock, and I'm suprised I didn't chip a tooth trying to eat them. Somehow these people have managed to cook corn in some way that does not make it pop, like popcorn, which I think everybody enjoys from time to time. No, they've found a way to make it taste burned, and become hard as a rock. Great achievement you guys. I would have enjoyed buying a can of creamed corn more than this, although I don't think this would be as "snackable" in my office.

The bag is fun looking, it has some cartoonish piece of corn gone bad on it, with mean eyes and an edgy, angular look. The slogan on the bag proclaims loudly "CORN GONE WRONG", but it should be "CORN GONE BAD" instead.

Good thing I bought some of those little ritz bits sandwiches.

And that's about the only interesting thing I have to report. Please have a nice day.

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