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Hello. And welcome to today.
2002-08-07-7:47 a.m.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that half of you people that read my diary are what I like to call "internet savvy", and the other half....let's face it. You probably still use AOL.

So those of you who are really a part of the internet, out there doing things and using it at work day to day etc... probably get all kinds of stupid email forwards/chain mail/hoaxes from those who....you know....use AOL or whatever.

Today on the forums for my car club, some guy, (well intentioned I'm sure) posted a link to this stupid "Type R your toilet" website, where some guy put a bunch of racing and rice stickers on his toilet. Whoo. That's the first time I've seen that site. Today.

Typically when someone posts something really out of date, my buddy Jon busts out with this picture.

Sure, sure, that's amusing, but it's nothing to write home about. But then everyone busted out with a lot more. I thought these were too funny not to share:

You'll notice that in the big collage, we have "Peanut butter jelly time", the "lumber jetta", the "wrx in the lake", that stupid fucking "ghost thing", the "icy hot stuntaz", and of course, that tennis player kissing that trophy that looks sorta like a penis! Whoo...who could forget that funny little pic?

So next time someone like your aunt mertyl from wisconsin sends you a link to one of these or any other really out of date thing, thinking that it's "new and cool", please, let these help you give them "the business" that they deserve.

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