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doritos and the sad girl
2001-09-17-8:53 a.m.

Sidenote 9.35 p.m. After work today, pretty much all I did was workout, but it's almost time for bed and I don't feel like I missed a damn thing. I can't think of anything better I should have done. I'm such a loser sometimes, but oh well. I did work an hour over today and I stopped to talk to Deck after going out for dinner. I never see Deck anymore because not only am I busy, but he works his ass off, 10 in the morning until 4 at one job, then 6 until 4 a.m. at another. Well I'm off to bed, this was pretty trivial as updates go. Well I've been updating a lot lately, almost every day, including over the weekends, but I honestly think they've all been worth a damn, or at least equally full of shit, so use the back buttons to check out what you may have missed eh?

Today I replied back to a letter I got from a girl who lists me as a "favorite diary". And on that note, I'd like to ask anyone who reads my diary to put me as a favorite already. I know someone must read it I've had over 1000 hits in the last month and a half, and I see about 2 unique hosts in my stats every morning, but no one has me listed. Might I also add that if you do this, you can use the "buddy list" feature to see if your favorite diaryies have been updated since you last checked in with diaryland and save yourself from the laborious task of actually typing in the urls for no reason. :-) Just asking...

Anyway so this girl writes a diary and just reminds me of all the thing I went through in my awkward teenage years. Before my awkward 20 something years which I'm in now. ;-) So I'm not going to post what I wrote her becaue it's personal, but I just wanted to publicly wish her well, so that's it.

Christ I'm hungry, I'm outta here.

Interesting sidenote, nothing makes me feel like more of an idiot than hurting myself while eating. Burning my tongue on pizza or coffee, accidentaly biting my lip, getting lemon juice in the eye, or perhaps the worst, the jagged-dorito-in-the-roof-of-your-mouth scenario. Damn. And here you guys thought I was intelligent, for shame.



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