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no equality, no opportunity
2001-10-01-3:33 p.m.

"Automatons with business suits clinging black boxes,

sequestering the blueprints of daily life

contented, free of care, they rejoice in morning ritual

as they file like drone ant colonies to their office in the sky."

That's not me, but it is a Bad Religion song. I'm too lazy to update, are you too lazy to read? Heres something I wrote while feeling preach one day. I didn't bother to edit it. I'd LOOOOOOVE feedback on it. Its actually unfinished, but I figured one person would read it and make me want to finish it, I lost my train of thought on it about 4 months ago.



Religion, art and science are not three seperate entities, they are just classifications humans

have developed to easily distinguish parts of the world. There is only one truth, one absolute

truth. I'm not about to say what that truth is however, just say that it exists. There is always one

best way to drive to work, the direct, least traffic, smoothest road etc... Calculating it may

not be practical, or even possible, but until I see a valid argument to the contrary, I will

say that it does exist.

Religion is a set of rules, concepts and practices that is meant to

illuminate the truth, help to guide us on it, and give us boundaries to follow should we lose the

exact way.

Science is also easy to define, it's trial and error, learning and understanding how

things work. Which detergent works best? How much does this weigh? What makes people happy?

None of these things can ever be perfectly measured or proven, but when can get close, and closer

on some than on others. Science isn't difficult to define, and where there is argument, it's not

too heated or significant.

Art however seems to be sticky. People say art can't be defined, what is good and bad is subjective,

machines can't make art, art needs divine inspiration, it can't be learned it must just BE.

I think this is a bunch of idiotic gum flapping. If you are angry, you draw an angry picture.

Maybe not a literal picture of an angry face, but some element of your art will be hard, violent

dark, forceful, or something to that effect. People in love will almost always write pretty,

flowery, soft, pleasing words about how good the world is, words that are full of hope and promise.

I would consider it a bizarre coincidence that this correlation between emotion and creation exists.

More than likely it's because one spawns the other. To some people we haven't admitted or discovered

anything extraordinary. So art is reflective of the mood or the emotion of the artist. Big deal. It

still takes something ethereal and unexplainable to create art. Some people are born artists while

others are completely untalented. This is largely due to a lack of desire for art, or a lack of exposure

to it, particularly at a young age. Research has already proven both of these facts.

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