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walking forward
2001-06-15-10:46 a.m.

Yeah, well I figured I'd write something. You know the longer you take to write something, the more all-inclusive and worthwhile you try to make your letter.

Expect none of that here. I don't feel like pontificating or philosophizing, I'm not in that mindset these days, I'm just gonna say what I've been up to.

Well, it's Friday, and things are going well for me. I've settled into this complete robot like mode. I wake up, go to work, and work until everything is done. Then I get to reading, Philosophy, Technical manuals (for the new job test), motorcycle and car magazines. At lunch I go rent a movie and buy the next days reading. After lunch I do whatever work has popped up, cruise the net, and read some more. I get home, change clothes, go to tan, come home, lift weights for an hour or so, do something around the house that needs doing, then watch the movie and go to sleep by 11:30 so I can get up at 6 a.m. and do it all again. On the plus-side, I'm losing fat and gaining muscle, slowly but surely and in a healthy no-starvation, no-supplements or steroids sorta way.

On weekends, it's another matter. I still work out and do stuff around the house, but I've been trying to do something different, that I've never done before every weekend.

Today I'm working through lunch and leaving at 3. I'm heading home, loading up my mom's Xterra, and Lacie, Jennifer and I are going to meet my brother, Chris and Steven at Chris' deer lease in Leon county. On the way I'm stopping to pick up a part for my other car, which I will explain later. The weekend should be a little drinking, and a lot of riding 4 wheelers, shooting every conceivable type of gun, and doing zero actual hunting. Sunday night when I get back I have to clean my other car and get everything working, monday some people are coming by to look at it and I may have it sold, which means by next friday I should have a brand new Honda Shadow motorcycle. 750 cc, 5 speed, lots of chrome, lots of un-safeness, lots of hell to raise. Next year I plan on driving the motorcycle to California and camping along the way.

Then of course I come back and work 2 12 hour days on monday and tuesday, and tuesday night I head to Chucks apt. Then Wed. morning I fly out of Intercontinental and into JFK in beautiful New York City. 5 fun and smelly and traffic filled days in the big city, in sharp contrast to the 10 thousand acres of wilderness I'll be in tonight. Expect to see some entries on all that business when I get back.

After that not a lot of plans, ride the motorcycle, hang at the beach for the rest of the summer, try to get the new job. I'm going skydiving for my birthday, but that's not until august 22nd. Maybe by that time I'll have a girlfriend to do some of this stuff with. Probably not, what can I say, I've never been lucky, but I have been resilient.

Until next time, keep the shiny side up.



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