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Doh! I pissed off some nice ladies.
2003-04-07-9:17 a.m.

Wow. Guess I know how to get people to sign my guestbook now: Tell them not to sign. Heh.

I think I should clarify that last entry a bit, since it seems to have angered a few people who's opinion I respect.

First, and perhaps most important, it's just a diary, it isn't always meant to be taken literally.

Most importantly, it should never be assumed that it represents the entirety of my feelings on a subject, although it may often represent the loudest thoughts in my head at one time.

Also, I think that it's important to chronicle, if even only for myself, the valleys as much as the peaks. It would hardly be an authentic journal if I only write down the things that make me look good right?

Second, what I did say "...women can go back to being the stupid sheep that they are." is a bit misleading. But basically the entry that Kat left in my guestbook hit it *right* on the head. "Women are sheep, men are pigs, what a nice barnyard, full of muck and vice." Other people may not approve, but if someone is dead set on acting like a sheep, then I'm going to act like a pig.

And things used to be that way, and I was briefly considering that it might be preferable to get back into that whole scene rather than the trials and pains of a relationship.

But like I said, I only *briefly* considered that. As it all turns out, what Tea said was correct, virtue did prevail. She knows me well enough to know that I make plenty of mistakes, but that I never make the same one twice. I wasn't about to "fall back on my jack-assish-ness."

So what "OSMM" predicted (the mystery signer, and judging by the insight, probably someone who knows her or I or both of us, but I can't figure out that acronym yet) was correct. She realized what she did, called and apoligized, and made it right by coming down here after all. Everything worked out great, we had a great time, got along perfectly, and the whole ordeal is an open and shut case, which I will never bring up again or*cough* bring up again or exploit in any *cough cough* future arguments we may have. ;-)

So that's that and other than that, I'm still going through the hoops for the other two jobs, I'll probably have a follow up interview for the one this week, and so far the two are running neck and neck in terms of their benefits, but until I get final confirmation on one or the other or both, I'm not going to worry about making a decision. It is a little nerve racking though, because it's going to effect so much of my life. Not just the time I spend there, but where I live, who I'll see, the lifestyle choices I will have, everything.

But one thing at a time is all I can handle, and for today, I've got a lot of work to do at the job I still have.

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