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why I'm just a typical guy
2002-04-01-7:26 a.m.

I feel like such a slacker if I don't update every day or two. 5 days?? Perish the thought, but I let it happen.

At first there's nothing to say, but after a while there's too much to fit in.

I hung out with Rodney a lot this weekend. He's pretty cool, and I'm thinking of renting a bedroom at his house. He already has one roommate, but he's never really there much. I think my moving there is a good idea for a few reasons.

1) Rodney is a really cool guy. He's a little older than me (25), and we're into the same things, (cars, girls, video games, and making lots of money.) Getting along with someone is important if you share a house with them. We'll be able to motivate each other to do projects like fixing up our cars/motorcycles, business ideas, etc..)

2) I can afford it.

3) Having your own place makes it a lot easier to get chicks.

4) It's in a cooler town than where I live now, even though it is about 30 min. from all my friends and it will double the time it takes me to get to work, it will get me out of the fucking country and into a real town. It is also closer to all-that-which-is cool, like restaurants, pubs, malls and clubs, as well as another 15 minutes closer to houston. (about 25 min. from downtown.)

6) I'll also be closer to REAL jobs in the houston, around the NASA area (the house is about 5 minutes from NASA (even though they say "houston, we have a problem", mission control is really south of houston about 20 miles in the Clear Lake/Seabrook area.)

So today I'm going to try and make a realistic budget to see just how tight this will make things until I get a better paying job. I know I can pull off my part of the rent and bills and still pay my car note and insurance and cell phone bill, but it will cut down on the money I have for "Fun". I will make up for this loss of finance with the fun of living in a cooler place and getting more play from girls, in addition to actually really WORKING on cars again.

I am going to wait about a month or so to pay off my credit card (padre trip and my new wheels are on it still) and to save up some cash.

Oh, and pretend this is a funny sentence at the end, because I can't think of anything funny to end this with.

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